Friday, July 6, 2007

Seeking Him First

My whole reason for starting this Blog (after the fact that my friend Kelly talked me into it!) was to have a place to track my progress in my quest to seek God first . I want to seek God first in everything I do from raising my children to being a loving wife and good friend. In this season of my life I often find myself frazzled and wondering how I can do all these things, and do them right with a good attitude while portraying the loving image of God. Well, I know that with out seeking Him first, I can't do any of it, at least not well. I know that when I seek God for His direction and wisdom, all else will flow naturally. Why is it so often that I fall out of that place of seeking God first, only to find myself weary and unfruitful? I know what it takes to walk in the Spirit and follow Christ, but so often I get distracted and busy with the everyday challenges that I forget that I am not capable of doing it all by myself. This will be a place for me to share my walk and my growth and hopefully seek wisdom and encouragement from my other Christ seeking friends and family. I long so deeply to be a good mother, wife and friend. I so often feel overwhelmed and inadequate. That is the "lie". The truth though is in the scriptures......"Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you" Matthew 6:33 Which will be the theme of my blog.

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