Thursday, November 22, 2007

What am I REALLY thankful for?

With Thanksgiving approaching we have spent a lot of time around our house talking about all that we are thankful for. Psalm 69:30 says I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving. When I looked up the transliteration of thanksgiving in this verse it was: towdah- give praise to God. What a wonderful way of defining Thanksgiving....a day to give praise to God!

Earlier this week I started reading the book of Job. It ended up being perfect timing with the subject of thankfulness. I have been meditating on the first 2 chapters over the last few days. In these Chapters God allows Job to loose basically all that he has including his health. Job does nothing but continue to give God praise. In Job 1:21 he says The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” It has made me think.... Do I love God because of all that He has done for me, or do I just love Him because He is God? Would I still love Him if he took away every single thing I have?

God found this out from Job by allowing Satan to test him, I am thankful this week that God has simply asked me this question and allowed me to ponder on it. I have realized that I have a lot to change in my way of thinking. I do love God for all that He has blessed me with, but I also need to be in the right mindset and ready to praise Him even if he were to take it all away.

In Job 2:10 Job says.. "Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” In all this, Job did not sin in what he said. My favorite part of this verse is where it says...Job did not sin in what he said. Job could have gotten angry and cursed God for what had happened to him, but he did not. Makes me think about the times in my life when things don't go my way and I grumble and complain to others.

Lord please help me to work on not sinning in the words that I say. May I always praise you no matter what situation I am in.

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