Monday, September 19, 2011

Dull and Boring Book of Kings

My CBS Bible study this year is on the books of 1&2 Kings and the minor prophets.  Other times when reading through the books of Kings I have always thought of it as a historical book of time tables with battles, ancient kings and other uninteresting accounts.  All the strange names and kingdoms seem so far removed from everyday situations that I seem to find common ground with in other parts of the Bible.  This time though, the study is helping me to see Kings in a new way.

Today I saw something interesting in the historical perspective of the books.  The author always seems to evaluate the kings on their walk (or lack of) with God.  Instead of really focusing on military, architectural, or geographic achievements, the kings lives are summarized by their spiritual walk.  Even today our presidents, CEO's, political figures and Military officials are mostly evaluated on things such as economic well being of our country, the effectiveness of our health care or social systems, the ability to win votes, please people, and even war strategies. But the Kings these books were judged entirely on their Spiritual walk.  Could you imagine if we did that with the authority figures in our nation today?  Oh my!!
Eventually we will all be evaluated and judged this way.  Our perfectly clean homes will do us no good, our lovely wardrobe and jewelry will be worthless. Even how our children turned out will be of little importance.

How would I live differently if I truly believed that my spiritual health was the most important aspect of my life?  How would my priorities change if I really grasped the idea that nothing but my walk with God really matters?  Maybe there is more in the books of Kings than I thought in the beginning.  I suspect  that I am going to learn a whole lot more than I had originally thought in this study.  :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

He's not finished with me yet

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old is gone the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17

I started a new memory verse system this week and this is the first verse that I have to memorize. I have been carrying this verse in my pocket, reviewing it and pondering its meaning over the last day. At first it gave me such hope. To be reminded that we are a new creation and made NEW is exciting and encouraging but then just as quickly as I found joy in this idea I also began to see my old self still crouching right around the corner. In the very day that I was memorizing this verse about being in Christ and walking as his new creation I found my self struggle with anger and an outburst of wrath! What IS this? If I am a new creation and the old is gone why in the world did I just get angry with my own child and have a sudden outburst of wrath with out any warning! I thought my old self was gone and the NEW was here??

I went to bed last night discouraged and praying that God would give me wisdom in this. This morning as I sat in my quiet time He did just that. While we are a new creation sin is still here. Romans 6:6 says :We know that our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin. What this verse says is that sin loses it's power over our lives, what it does NOT say is that sin is GONE. While we are a new creation, we still have the “old man” that must be put to death.

This will not happen over night (or in 15 years in my case!!) It will take God's Word and the Holy Spirit in unison to experience that new nature. Our partis to submit in this daily process so that Jesus becomes greater while we become less. He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less. John 3:30

This is a long process and we have to be patient and hopeful not allowing the enemy to feed us the lies in the process.Today I set aside my failings from yesterday and press on toward a new day. A new day is yet one more opportunity to become less so He can become greater. It all comes back to humility. The greatest thing God is teaching me right now.
God sees us already as a finished product. I am SO thankful for that!

Friday, September 9, 2011

King Rehoboam

In my Old Testament reading I am in the book of 2 Chronicles.  Today I was reading in chapter 12 and came across the story of King Rehoboam.  He was the son of Soloman and the grandson of David.  With a lineage like that you would think he would automatically inherit success, but along the way he made quite a few mistakes that caused him to fall out of the favor of the Lord.

His first pitfall was rejecting the council of older men (in 10:8) and instead consulting with younger men who had grown up with him. Dispite this he still became strong and established a great kingdom. The most profound thing to me about Rehoboams story though was found in the beginning of chapter 12. It says when Rehoboam was firmly established and strong, he abandoned the Law of the Lord, and all Israel followed him in this sin. (12:1)
This verse reminded me of my post yesterday!  Isn't it funny that right when he was strong (obviously in his OWN strength!) he became prideful and abandoned the Law of the Lord!  Not only did he fall into sin but he caused all the people of Israel to follow in his sin! And just as the verse I wrote about yesterday says:  Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall.  And sure enough:   Because they were unfaithful to the Lord, King Shishak of Egypt came up and attacked Jerusalem in the fifth year of King Rehoboam’s reign. (12:2)  But here comes the great part:  Because Rehoboam humbled himself, the Lord’s anger was turned away, and he did not destroy him completely. (12:12)  Whooooo hooo!!!  Praise God for his loving MERCY!!! Because Rehoboam humbled himself...that is the part of this verse that I love the most.  Another lesson to me today about the importance of being humble!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

In His strength

I have been finding myself so discouraged lately with all that I have to do and how little I am accomplishing in a day. I feel like I used to be so on top of things and get so much more done.  It has made me do a lot of grumbling and complaining!  I realized this morning that maybe being a little more tired and a feeling overwhelmed at times is God's way of humbleing me. 

When I used to be the "doer" and never tired or got behind I think I might have been a little prideful.  I never would have admitted it but at times I would look at other people and think...."man you need to get it together..or...why is she not as productive as I am?"  It's been a long time since I had silly thoughts like that but it's true.  Well, about 2 or 3 kids later, a crazy busy schedule, an over worked husband and a few health issues later, I find myself very much humbled.  I used to think I did all those things in God's strength, but the truth is I was doing it in my own.  I was proud of how fast I was and how much I could do in a day.  Now I realize more than ever that I can do NOTHING with out the help of God's and in his strength.

Being humbled begins with realizing that I NEED Christ everyday in every way. I can not do anything with out His help. I can not be a good mother- a loving wife- a thoughtful friend - a caring neighbor - I cannot do anything without the help and encouragement of the one who gives me strength. I have learned after many times of trying to do all these things on my own strength that I will always fail. I will grow weary over time and fall. Even "thinking" I can do any of these things on my own strength is Pride. Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall. Proverbs 16:18