Monday, March 2, 2009

Day35 Accountability

Today I talked to my friend who started this whole idea in me of giving up something for Lent. I was glad to hear that she too was still standing firm. We shared with one another several of the hard temptations that we have had to press through.
She had a Birthday party yesterday where they served Chocolate fudge cake with a cream cheese filling! As she was telling me this story I thought for sure she was going to tell me that she had given in just for the occasion. I was SO proud of her that she resisted such a temptation. My mouth was watering just hearing her describe this delectable cake!! I then shared with her that there had been several times over the weekend that I was tempted to give in but didn’t want to have to tell her when I talked to her the next day that I had failed. This made us both realize that we had made each other accountability partners.
What an important part of our walk with Christ! …our accountability to others. I know that if I had confessed to my friend that I had given in to the cheese cake Saturday that she would still love me anyway just as I would if she had given in to the chocolate Birthday cake, but we didn’t want to let the other one down. We stood together and our accountability to one another helped us to resist the temptation to give in.
Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falls; for has not another to help him up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

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