Wednesday, January 2, 2013


If I have a one word goal for this New Year it would be WISDOM.
I want to seek God's wisdom consistently and by the end of 2013 be even closer to God than ever before. Proverbs 2:4 says that wisdom is something we should search for as if is a hidden treasure. As I read through Proverbs 2 looking at the treasures that come from gaining God's wisdom here are a few word's that I discovered :
Knowledge of God, common sense, shield, guards, protects, right, just, fair, the right way to go, joy, wise choices, keep you safe, save you from evil people, righteousness

Those are just a few that popped off the page at me, yet when I look at that list I believe that anything that I may encounter in this new year could probably be covered by one of the above treasures.....simply seeking "WISDOM".  Gods wisdom IS a treasure. May my 2013 be dedicated to seeking it above all else.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

YES!!! Let's keep ASKING Him for it in all things. He promises to give it always!!! We are silly to seek our own wisdom. :( It's gonna be a great year. Let's get our boots on ( again, and again, and again.. hahaha!)