Monday, January 2, 2012

Looking forward to what lies ahead

After a month off from writing (or doing anything else of leisure for that matter!) Its a New Year and a new beginning.  As much as I absolutely LOVE Christmas, this year was overly busy and for the first time ever I was a little happy to see it go!  I was eager to get life back to normal and relax!!  How ironic that a time that is meant to remind us of Peace becomes a time of total chaos!!!

Most people approach the new year with a bit of introspection. We look at what we accomplished this year, what we failed at, and then look at ways we can do better in the up and coming year.  The whole idea of Jesus (the main reason we celebrate Christmas!) represents a new beginning.  He came so that we all could lay down our old sinful selves and become New creations before God.  The old is GONE the new has COME!!  Praise God for that.  Has your 2011 been a year of loss? a year of sorrow? a year of failure?  If we all look closely we will find one of theses somewhere I am sure!  REJOICE in it!!  We can't have NEW unless there is OLD that can be trimmed away! Pruned! 
This new year lets remember to forget the past and look FORWARD to what lies ahead! Philippians 3:13
Lord, as I begin a new year help me to keep my head up eagerly looking forward to what you have for me.  I am excited to see what you have in store for me, my family and for those close to me this new year.  I know it is going to be good because you are good and your intentions are always good for those who love you!  Amen

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