Feeling overwhelmed these days. Wanting to do too many things and looking too many directions and not sure which ones the Lord wants me to take.
Just a few......
church: which church do we finally commit to? Do we want to "join" as official members? Where do I want to get involved in the church/serve?
Finances: Things have been stretched thin...do I want to get a job of some sort? Help out financially? I have my interests.....jewelry making...my vinyl...home day care?? my hair salon/spa is hiring for their new location...a receptionist maybe??...my photography???
What about my Bible Studies? I am in the Acts study at CBS but also really would love to join the new Esther study at church so I can get to know the woman of the church. I am doing a small study on the Parables of Jesus with my neighbor across the street. And on top of all that CBS has asked me to step into a leadership position.
Oh my head is just SPINNING!!! And as it is spinning here is the wonderful verse the Lord gave me today:
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21
He never leaves us with our heads spinning!! Seeking Him today.